Zelda Breath Of The Wild More Armor Slots
Here's how to increase your inventory space in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The Nintendo Switch's new Zelda title is filled with a ton of customization options and cool weapons to collect.
Expand your arsenal. It won’t take long playing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild before you run out of room to pick up more weapons. This is easy enough to fix if you put in a little work. The quick-select menu will only display the original game's maximum amount of slots, so if you want to switch to a weapon in one of the new slots, you will have to use the inventory menu. When upgrading with Hestu, the animation that plays of the slot appearing in the inventory screen will be wrong, however, the upgrade will still function.
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Barbarian Armor Set
The Barbarian Armor Set is composed of the Barbarian Helm, Barbarian Armor and Barbarian Leg Wraps. Each piece of the set provides Attack Up. If all pieces are worn, the set grants the bonuses Charge Atk Up and Stamina Up making this a very offense-oriented melee armor set.
Click here to go to our Armor List.
- Body Parts: Head/Chest/Legs
- Defense: 3 (Each Piece)
- Added Effect: Attack Up (Each Piece)
- Set Bonus: Charge Atk Up; Stamina Up
- Selling Price: 600 Rupees (Each Piece)
Where to Obtain
- The Barbarian Helm can be obtained at the Tu Ka’loh Shrine.
- The Barbarian Armor can be obtained at the Dila Maag Shrine.
- The Barbarian Leg Wraps can be obtained at the Qaza Tokki Shrine.
Each piece of the Barbarian Armor Set follows the upgrade path below.
Upgrade | Bonus | Materials Needed |
First Upgrade | Defense +5 | Lynel Horn x3 |
Second Upgrade | Defense +8 | Lynel Horn x5, Lynel Hoof x5 |
Third Upgrade | Defense +12 | Lynel Hoof x8, Lynel Guts x3 |
Final Upgrade | Defense +20 | Lynel Guts x10, Shard of Naydra’s Horn x1 |
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Inventory size is an important aspect in Breath of the Wild. Since your weapons and shields break with use, you want to have as many inventory slots as you can to carry more. In this guide, we’ll show you how to increase inventory space in Breath of the Wild, what you have to do and which items you’ll need.
Zelda Breath Of The Wild More Armor Slots Download
How to Get More Inventory Space in Breath of the Wild
To increase your inventory limit, you’ll need to collect a certain item and also complete a short side quest. The item in question are Korok seeds. To get these, you’ll have to find Children of the Forest. These are sneaky little wood spirits that are strewn all across Hyrule. You’ll always have to complete some kind of puzzle in order to catch them. Once you do, they’ll give you a Korok seed. For more info on those, check out our Korok seed locations guide. Just collecting the seeds isn’t enough. You have to give them to someone with the power to increase your inventory, which leads us to the next bit.
Breath of the Wild Where to Upgrade Inventory

The giant broccoli-looking creature from the image above is Hestu, and it has the power to upgrade your inventory. To find it, cross Kakariko Bridge after the Dueling Peaks. Take the path that turns east. As you walk uphill, Hestu will be standing under a tree on the right. Talk to it, and it will give you a short side quest called The Priceless Maracas.
The next step is to retrieve Hestu’s maracas. Keep going up the hill and keep an eye out to the right, and you’ll spot a hole in the rocks where bokoblins are hiding out. Head over there and get rid of the enemies, then climb up the platform to the chest. The maracas are inside.
Go back and talk to Hestu. It’ll be delighted until it realizes that all of the Korok seeds have been stolen from the maracas. See where this is going? Offer the seeds and Hestu will increase your inventory size in return. For the firs upgrade, you’ll need one seed, two for the second …, you get the idea.
You can only get an inventory boost twice in this area. After that, Hestu will move to a different location. If you talk to it, you’ll find out where: Korok Forest, which is north of the Hylia river.